Frequently Asked Questions
What is Buy Me A Beer Online ?
Buy Me A Beer Online is a service that provides creators, influencers, comedians, bands, or just any individual, partnership or company a way of receiving payments to their Stripe account.
How do I sign-up ?
From our sign-up page, use your social media credentials or email address and password then enter name for you page, we'll then create a page and Stripe Connect account that you will need to verify.
How do I get paid ?
We create a Stripe Connect account linked to your page. You need to identify with information Stripe is required to collect which differs from country to country and is based on local regulations, and ensures you are an identified owner (individual or business) of the account. Once your Stripe Connect account is verified we can accept payments from your supporters and payout to your Stripe Connect account.
How do I edit my page ?
Sign in and navigate to Edit Your Page where you can update your page's description, images, up to five external links and embed up to four videos (one each from YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram or X (Twitter)
How do I configure Payments ?
Sign in and navigate to Donations and enter what you want to call your payment (defaults to beer, but can be coffee, wine, cake or anything you like) and a price per donation. The currency is the default currency configured in your Stripe
What countries do you support ?
You can create an account from any country but currently in order to receive payments and payouts you need a Stripe account in any of the 46 countries supported by Stripe. Once your Stripe Connected account is setup, you can accept payments from customers around the world with cardholder support in more than 195 countries. Local payment methods and wallets are available to create a seamless experience for your supporters.